“…sly and shape-shifting…”
“…such an eye for strangeness and nuance…”
“…borderline scientific content and auto-obfuscating form…”
“There is nobody like Eulàlia Comas”
“…a singular voice… , a unique and theatrical perception of the world…”
Three New Plays Explore Thrilling, Elusive Hunts for a Shared Language by Billy McEntee, The Brooklyn Rail (NY)
Sex and the Abbey by Helen Shaw, The New Yorker (NY)
NSE #983: Rail Theater Editor Billy McEntee joins theater artist and writer Eulàlia Xavier Comas for a conversation, The Brooklyn Rail (NY)
Show Response: Bonefruit by Ali Sousa, Staff Picks (NY)
Playwrights Raise Questions of Body, Identity, and Mind by Sabrina Ladiwala, The Argus (CT)
Immersive Theater Project to be Staged in Lewisburg Public Spaces by Matt Farrar, Standard Journal (PA)